Ebook Resources
* All Up in Yo-Biz Checklist-Do you have a desire to start your own Beauty or Lifestyle business? I created this guide to assist you in checking off your list. This will also help you with other resources you need to run your business efficiently. What you need to know to save time, so that you can hit the ground running.
*Affirmation Journal-Have you been stuck and wrestling with your own personal power? This is an Affirmation book for 31 days of Powerful "I Am" Statements. Begin to Declare and Make these statements daily and watch your boldness and confidence come alive in your personal and professional life!
I celebrate with you in advance!
*Priorities and Power Moves- Do you feel like the recent years took a turn and you didn't get to carry out eveything you planned.
It's ok, don't be troubled. You still have skin in the game and you can still make it happen.
Use this chart to create your own list of things you want to pursue and make happen no matter what opposition may occur. You got This!
You can always Start again, Let's be intentional with our goals.
Let's plan on success, Put on Some Lipstick and handle it.
*My Energy Matters-This checklist is for you pen your yes and your NOs! It's ok to revisit what you allow to have access and what you will not.
Should you purchase the e-book option, you will receive a download of your ebook within 24 hours. Please ensure your email address is correct.